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A. Minor careless taps, contact causing spin or affecting other members race, Obstruction of a race leader or ignore blue flag. 2 Points / 4 if on first lap

B. Major Race rule breach or appears intentional (Ramming, ect). 4 Points /  8 if on first lap

C. Unsafe Track rejoin or spin correction or Pit Exit, Aggressive first lap DIRECTLY causing Damage to another members race
4 Points / 8 if on first lap

D. Aggressive first lap INDIRECTLY causing Damage to another members race. 3 Points


Penalty points:

Accumulate points (10 points = Penalty)

First 10 points = 2 week Session suspension

Second 10 points (within 3 months of the First) = 4 week Session suspension

Third 10 points (within 6 months of the First) = 8 week Session suspension

(6 months + after 1st first but not since second) = 4 week Session suspension

Forth 10 points (within 12 months of first) = 6 Month Session suspension

Straight up penalty’s, (Warning maybe issued for 1st offence at Admins Discretion.)

** Password to non members

** Arguing with Admins beyond explaining you POV

** Insulting or Abusing another Member

** At the Unanimous decision of the admins for any offence.

1st offence (1 month Session suspension)

2nd offence (6 month Session suspension)

3rd - you're not the brightest spark are you? (Session suspension & Blocked from Group)


NOTE: Any Session suspension/points penalty may also result in Removal from the Facebook Group with a Majority Admin decision.

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